Saturday, 30 September 2017

The Message of Fatima - Episode Seven

EWTN's The Message of Fatima

Episode Seven

The Miracle of Sun

The People see the Miracle of the Sun
Episode seven of EWTN's The Message of Fatima is to be another hour long programme. In which we cover the October apparition of Our Lady at Fatima. This was a relatively short apparition of Our Lady but it was a prolonged supernatural event and an event that was predicted by Lucia after she had asked Our Lady in an earlier apparition to give the people a sign that this was actually happening, and that the seers were not lying. In this episode we try to the best of our abilities to reproduce the events in Fatima on October 13th 1917 when the sun danced in the sky, spun changed colours, and even came down on the people.

Our Lady of Fatima

Disbelievers, sceptics, and even members of the secular anti-catholic government controlled press saw this event and wrote about it. Many were converted back to the faith and 70,000 people saw what is now known as the Miracle of the Sun.

We also cover the deaths of Francisco and Jacinta and the apparitions of Our Lady to Jacinta in hospital. We end this episode (but not the series there is one more episode to come on the First Saturdays Devotion) with one last apparition of Our Lady at the Cova da Iria, In which Our Lady tells Lucia to go and do what her bishops wants.

Episode seven will be broadcast on EWTN on October 13 at 2pm and 9:30pm in the UK, also during the week all the episodes will be shown consecutively at 2pm and for North America please click here.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

The Message of Fatima - Press Release

EWTN's 'The Message of Fatima'

nominated for the

Ksf Niepokalana International Film Festival in Poland

We are very pleased that EWTN's 'The Message of Fatima' has been nominated at the Ksf Niepokalana International Film Festival in Poland. This festival in one of the most important in the Catholic media world and I am hoping that this publicity will also lead to a Polish version of the series being made. We hope also that Our Lady is pleased with this series and our attempts to bring her message to as wider audience as possible.

The Message of Fatima has already received a great response from the viewers of EWTN, and has been shown worldwide. It has also been translated into Spanish, for the Spanish speaking world where the series has attracted a very large following. The broadcasting of this series has not been completed yet and has two episodes yet to be shown.

On location near Fatima with cinematographer Michal Benko
and myself giving direction to Júlia Fialho who plays Jacinta 

 The series consists of eight episodes, six of which are dedicated to each apparition of Our Lady in 1917 and being broadcast on their corresponding centenary date. Besides the six episodes on the apparitions of Our Lady, one episode is dedicated to apparition of the Angel and the last one (to be broadcast in November of this year) is dedicated to First Saturdays Devotion.

The whole series is in the docudrama format. EWTN engaged local Fatima actors from Casa do Povo in Fatima for authenticity and was mostly shot on location in and  around Fatima. Our Lady and the Angel were shot in a London studio. We were greatly honour by the number of Fatima experts that took part as well as four bishops and includes Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, Archbishop Emeritus of Krakow, Poland, St John Paul II secretary.

From the Third Part of the Secret dramatisation

 The third part of the Secret sequence was shot on Chobham common near London, and of course this is linked with the assignation attempt on Pope St John Paul II, who said that the message of Fatima is more relevant today than it was in 1917. This is why I particularly wanted to dramatise this scene for Christians are being persecuted more now than in Roman times.

We are currently working on the post-production Episode Seven, which is dedicated to the sixth and final apparition of Our Lady at Fatima. This will be broadcast on October 13th and contains the Miracle of the Sun, which was seen by 70,000 people while the Little Shepherds saw other apparitions of The Holy Family, Our Lord, Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of Carmel.

The Holy Family apparition to the Little Shepherds
during the October apparition.
Sneak preview still from episode 7 to be shown 
on the 13 October on EWTN

For more information