The Inquisition
After months
of Pre-Production, the production phase of EWTN’s The Inquisition is now underway. There is still of course much planning
and research to be done and the scripts need to be finalised.
The first
filming sessions have now taken place with an 11 day trip to Spain. We kicked
off in Spain mainly because I wanted the film the Semana Santa (Holy Week) penitential
One of the Penitential Brotherhoods
Process in Salamanca |
Just like EWTN’s The
Crusades I wanted a binding element as sort of background link to history
that I could use in various places in the documentary. For the Crusades, I used
the Chartres Pilgrimage, which not only takes place in the heartland of the
Franks but also emphasises the pilgrimage element of the Crusades. For the
Inquisition I wanted to film during Semana Santa (Holy Week) and the penitential
processions in Spain. This gives us a pictorial view of the penitential link
between Auto de fe, the inquisition, and today.
The Brothers carry a float depicting
Christ and Roman solider.
Superb workmanship on the figures.
26th March I flew into Madrid and met the team, Michal Benko
Camera/Editor and Paul Kadlecik second Camera/Technician. Michal and Paul picked
up hire car and we then started a gruelling eleven day, 1500 mile trip around
major inquisition sites and cities of Spain. Not to mention filming the Holy
Week processions which are accompanied by massive crowds: there were 300,000
they tell me lining the streets in Seville, which made filming very challenging,
however, luckily we already had processions at Avila and Salamanca in the can.
ornate Spanish Church
Like The Crusades for The Inquisition we are attempting to get to the truth of the
matter. Why for example has the Inquisition become a byword for terror, cruelty
and religious fanaticism? A black legend has been created with most of the
fingers pointing at the Catholic Church and in particular, Spain. However, most
these myths and Black Legends are false, created by the ancestors of the modern
secular media. And just like the today’s Black Legends, they are, and continue
to be created by those with an agenda yes they were created for a reason. If
you want to find out the full story of the Inquisition we hope to finish the
series by the late autumn of this year.